School Bond Levy

Hi, this is Brian Prawitz with BP Media Solutions. We have had success with bond levies in Southern Oregon for school districts. Indeed, we won in Winston-Dillard School District with a 70/30 result that changed the face of Douglas High School forever. And just recently got 60% participation in Glendale in a successful bond effort there.

We Have a Plan

BP Media Solutions packages everything from the facilitation with your school board, to polling, to marketing, all the way to campaigning, clear up to election day. One contract, one place, and that’s BP Media Solutions.

18 Months

I’m talking about bond levies right now because school boards need to begin preparing now for November of ’21 and May of 2022. Right now, if somebody was to call and to say they wanted to run a bond levy in May of 2021, there’s not enough time. We need a year or 18 months to fully prepare correctly. Also, it’s too unstable right now clearly. In fact, you might even be asking yourself, “Why in the heck am I even talking about bond levies?”

The reason is because a year from now, things will be more stable again. All of what’s happening right now can shake out. We’ll know more about the landscape and what the factors are. So be thinking about bond levies. Don’t stop thinking about bond levies if you’re a superintendent or a board, just start casting it out into the future.

Proven Campaign

Let’s talk about November of ’21 and May of 2022, and BP Media Solutions is the place to go if you want an effective, comprehensive, proven campaign that will put the voters at ease and put your board at ease because everybody in the community will know what it is that they’re voting on. We’ve got that for you here at BP Media Solutions.


About the Author Brian Prawitz, owner of BP Media Solutions.

Brian’s passion for customer service led to the creation and launch of BP Media Solutions in May of 2015. “Going the extra mile, providing face-to-face accountability, and exceeding goals are all things I live for.” Brian spent 25 years in radio as an award-winning news and sports announcer in Seattle, Missoula, Montana, and Roseburg, Oregon. He spent 18 months in the Marketing Department at Seven Feathers Casino Resort before BP Media Solutions was born.

Brian and his wife Jannie were empty nesters for about three months before welcoming all three of their grown daughters and one son-in-law home from various colleges in 2020. They love camping, theater, Disneyland, and (Brian loves) golf.

To connect with Brian:

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